Every child, Kinder - 5th grade, received a Haa Ḵusteeyí journal as part of their send home packets. This journal will be used to document our knowledge of Lingít values, stories and language.
This first series of videos outlines how the journals are to be used and how we will make visible lessons learned from the first two Raven creation stories that Jinkasee.ee (Rose Willard) told
Lesson 4: Drawing from Observation
After hearing a story told and retold in English and then one read accompanied by illustrations through the Baby Raven Reads program, the 4th week focused on allowing students to hear the beauty of this language by a fluent elder, Kaasgéiy Susie James, students practiced the tribal value of Tlél sh yaa yeedawoodliḵ (donʼt be in a hurry) by sketching a wave pattern (explained in Lesson 3 above) that symbolizes the low and high tones of this tribal value or using the sketch by observation cycle from Nancy Lehnhart.