What is a Storybag?
The Yéil ḵa Tʼá storybag is inspired by Storysacks, a concept by Neils Griffiths in the United Kingdom. His program is built around developing lifelong readers by creating interactive language experiences at home, which spark interest, motivation, excitement, enjoyment and fun. A story sack can contain:
Thanks to the generous donation by Goldbelt Heritage Foundation of 450 drawstring backpacks, every K-5 child at Sitʼ Eetí Shaanáx̱ Glacier Valley and Riverbend Elementary Schools will have a Yéil ḵa Tʼá storybag with the following contents, which you can download here:
With more funding, we would have added a non-fiction book, box of crayons, glue stick and small scissors, but have been extremely pleased with this first attempt. Having online resources available makes a big difference!