(Donʼt be in a hurry) |
Listen well & respect what people say to you
Self-respect and respect for everyone
Music Resources
Koohaantí O
The Orphan |
Told by Frank Dick, Sr. in Lingít in 1983. Transcribed and Translated by Fred White, November 2012. Adapted for the classroom and published by Goldbelt Heritage Foundation.
Retold by (Rose Willard) with the inclusion of the four core tribal values.
Haa Ḵusteeyí Chorus sung with gestures by (Rose Willard).
Why Do We Tell Stories?
Voices on the Land Project at Floyd Dryden sponsored by Sealaska Heritage Institute |
Stories like Yéil Ḵa G̱anook Heení (Raven and Petrelʼs Water) teach important lessons and traditions, which is why they were retold many times.
Elementary Lesson Plans
Goldbelt Heritage Foundation |
Sealaska Who am I? Kindergarten Unit
& audio |
Sealaska Who am I?
Additional Teacher Resources |
Sealaska Baby Raven Reads
Early Literacy Series |