Photo (above) by Lindsey Brollini, courtesy of Sealaska Heritage Institute.
Southeast Traditional Tribal Values
Drawing upon the 2004 Eldersʼ Forum in which elders from across Southeast Alaska came together at Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall to discuss, identify and agree upon a list of Southeast Traditional Tribal Values, I created a song to help children learn and remember the important words of Alaska Native cultural bearers. Through story and song, this unit strives to bring these values alive for all children by singing them in Lingít and exploring their meaning through traditional oral narratives. Read Sealaska Heritageʼs description of the four core cultural values here.
The Haa Ḵusteeyí "Our Way of Life" song is not a traditional Lingít song, but rather one created from the sounds of the language (i.e. high tones are recognized in the melody by a higher pitch, long vowel sounds have longer duration).In doing so, we hope to demonstrate how the musicality of the Lingít language can serve as the basis for creating new music that directly supports Lingít language learning in the public school setting.
These four overarching tribal values will form the chorus: